viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

América´s So Great A Salvation

By Dr. Wesley A. Swift

An excerpt from the original sermon in October 7th, 1963

We use that word sin and a lot of people do not like that word, for it is an
ugly little word, and they like to substitute error in its place. But we are
still going to use the word sin as well as the word error because this is
simply thinking wrong and acting wrong. For when you think wrong and
act wrong, then the results, my friends, is catastrophe.

The Apostle Paul said therefore, that we have heard these words and we have heard words spoken by the very mouth of God. Therefore, how can we escape for this disobedience of the law which reality will bring. How can we neglect these words? In of the law which reality will bring. How can we neglect these words? In other words, if we do not follow these directions that God has given us, if we violate the social laws of God and we mongrelise our race, we will violate the spiritual capacities which this race has and which it can produce. 
The great and tremendous development of the West and of Christian civilization have been of course, the by product of a race, a spiritual household which God begat in the spirit and placed in the earth through the Adamic house.

This is the reason why in the Old Testament and in the New Testament as well, so carefully is listed the foundational laws granted your race by the Grace of God. That you understanding these laws would not have to, by private error, bring catastrophe upon your society. HE ordered that you do not violate that race; that you do not take another people and thrust them into the centre of your social order; or marry your sons and daughters to their sons and daughters. Do not set them up as teachers over your children. And do not give them positions in government of your nations, for you are the children of the Living God. You are a race of HIS own begetting. You are a household that HE sent into the earth. And with these other trees of knowledge of good and evil, you were forbidden to participate with, or to join yourselves to.

It is one thing to talk about the food trees of Genesis where all of the trees were planted and you were given to eat of the fruit of these trees. But when it came to the racial trees of the other societies of earth, it was not given for you to partake. This was not what you were placed here for.
This would bring catastrophe upon your society. Thus, there were social laws given, first spoken and given to Adam and Eve. Then brought down through Seth and through Noah. And then re-interred to Moses on Mount Sinai and then woven so carefully into the Law. These are words which came out of the mouth of God. And thus it happened. Great spiritual vision was lost and deterioration happened among all people who violated…

Possibly there is nothing more important for us to understand that all of the progress and all of the development of the western world with its culture has come out of the obedience and guidance of the principals of Divine law. And the spiritual implication upon the race that obeyed was in the race of HIS household where we find the great solid existing Church. The Church being the spiritual centre of God's kingdom shall be found where the great White Western nations exist. Specifically, we do not say that the church is Asiatic or is in Africa.

We may find missionary outposts there, but when you look for the church of Jesus Christ, you are going to find it among White nations, and among people moved by the Spirit. And you will find it losing its influence among those people who become mongrelised and losing its vision.

The great conspiracy of Lucifer is to try to mongrelise the race and destroy the spiritual receptivity of your household. It is also to try to change your responsibility to God's law to an irresponsibility to God's law. HE would like for you to revolt against God's law and accept world law in its place.
It is an established fact that if you neglect so great a salvation, which is every word which came out of the mouth of God, that the time has come in this society when we make this identification that there is nothing more vital for us than that we affirm that we are Christians and that we recognize Jesus the Christ. And we don't care whether the Jews or any other refugee who comes into this country like it or not. We are going to pray in our schools and we are going to pray in our capital and we are going to pray “UNTO OUR FATHER.” 

The very day we let these Satanic forces take this course, and also this Satanic guided leadership to remove from our national life the identity of our Father's name and our identity to Him, and so influence our testimony and our witness that we start to blot out of our national life, this identify with God, then, my friends, you have destroyed the very root of your salvation. Therefore, it becomes more important to us that you serve God more than man. And we call for a 100% rebellion against any national or Federal or State institution that would seek to keep people from praying and recognizing God anywhere.

We point out to you something that is quite evident in our time. That if Africa or Asia had the initiative or the capacity and were equal with you as individuals, they would not need to apply to you for anything. If, my friends, these people were your equals, they would not need Socialism to raise their status. If they were your equals, their schools would be adequate. Their teachers would be satisfactory and their own initiative would create and carve out the only things which are essential for them.

It is that lack of equality, based on that ingredient, that lack of capacity to respond, that today creates the vast distinction between White Christian people and all of the other kinds of people upon the face of the earth.

Now this is not hatred. This is spiritual guidance born of clear thinking and clear reason. And because of this, if you think, and if you accept the basis of truth, if you identify yourself with your Father, your LORD and your Master, you are going to have the same enemies that HE had, because they want to obstruct the same Truth that HE taught. These become quite obvious in our time. We tell you and we will challenge anyone, for these are not my words, they are the words of the Father who has called you to come out from among them and be ye separate or segregated, and touch not the unclean things. Why? Because HE says, “I want to continue to be a Father unto you and to your generations after you. And how can I do that if you are mongrelised and have destroyed your capacity of vision. I am not playing stepfather to any of Satan's children.” God made this clear. “I want to continue to be a Father unto you, and that requires that you preserve the seed of the family.

So what we point out to you is that in that former time it was designed by our founding fathers that we would preserve this great Christian heritage and continue to recognize it. We point out to you that what has been happening in the last few weeks is because we have been neglecting the great areas of truth that God has given us, and we are neglecting America's so great a salvation, that we must live under the proper and guidance of Divine law, not the emotionally disturbed mind which intends to take over the world. The Constitution of the United States is still one of the great documents of Christian developments.

I point out something which I want you to remember, for it is related to this revolution. The revolution as you know, was designed to upset the Constitution and place outlawism in place of it, anti-Christ laws and devil worship from people all over the world. But you White Christian nation, only 1/6 of the worlds population, you better abide by your own laws and come out from among them and be separate and distinct. In this instance, they were trying to put over the United Nations principals in the United States processes of law. The design in the first place, was to create a great upheaval over the treatment of minorities in this country. I do not think that minorities have very much to cry about here in America, for they are better off here than in any other place in the world. If they were not better off here, we would not have as many of these undesirables coming into this country to begin with. And they understand that as well. And then having arrived, then instead of leaving the symbol and the shape of America as they found it, they seek to destroy it with their conspiratorial design.

When press and newspapers go silent in face of these injustices, when America is to decide what they are for and against, then there remains one institution in America that has the courage to present the truth. That is the Church of Jesus Christ. Because this is a religious matter and this is our business.

And its neglect is to neglect so great a salvation that has arrived out of spiritual vision, out of the laws of righteousness, as they have been incorporated in the foundation structure of our government.

So when we talk about the soul, then the soul is all that makes up your life, your remembrance. It is your being. And this soul grows to a great magnitude when it listens to every word which came out of the mouth of God. When it directs the physical consciousness and the utilization of the brain by its percussions and its decisions to direct the processes of Divine law, and to change and to capture the environment that it is in until it complies with Divine law, then and only then a nation and individuals become strong.

Thus, it is that you have something else besides this soul, and that is this incorruptible spiritual seed which is the spirit, the celestial seed, the being begotten by the Father before the world was framed. That spirit is with you. It coexists with you. For you are spirit, soul and body. Spiritually guided, the soul therefore, activates the brain to do that which is right. For this cause we know that God can activate the spiritual forces of your celestial being until HIS still small voice becomes a thunder like a mighty waterfall. Until the soul begins to grow strong and powerful, until the brain begins to activate it, and people on their feet start to discharge the orders of the Most High God. And this can come to pass in the twinkling of an eye.

Now I want you to know again, as we say how can America neglect so great a salvation, for America’s salvation lies in our Constitution, in our culture and in faith and in the laws of God, lies in the identity of God, as master of our nation, which our Congress has placed in this our flag, and has now declared that this nation is now under God. Not, my friends, under any potential Kennedy or under any other human, but under God forever. Yes. And we tell you that the great spiritual development which will eventually descend upon this nation is going to come with great impact as people wake up out of their sleep and recognize and realize that the troubles upon them have come because they did not pay heed to SO GREAT A SALVATION. Which were the words which HE spake unto us. We do not have the time to speak unto you all of the words that Jesus spake unto you. But each one of these issues speak of your spirit, your culture and built around this centre, "OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN HEAVEN" and have the background of ability and race bringing this great development from one end of the earth to the other.

Today we look out over the nations of the world and they are in trouble. They are being directed by the powers of evil. Their design is to end the kingdom. But this kingdom is to endure forever and the spiritual centre of it is the Church. And it shall became a flaming oracle of Truth in these last days. Thus, we say, “tell it, tell it.” For this Truth makes you free. End of message.

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