sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017


A NEW BEGINNING for God’s Elect and the Beginning of the End for the Predestined Damned…

… and those “counted with the Tares”

I hope you all spent the Sabbath Sept 23rd in prayer and fasting…  recall I told you what to expect BEFORE it happened.  I stated:

1. The date is the most significant date in the history of our world EVER as it is the sign (watch you tube) of the return of Jesus Christ as the Lion of Judah

2. I stated it represents The Arrival (cast down) of Lucifer and his disembodied “hosts”… Cast Down – time for their day in court before the Judge of the Universe

3. I stated prior to “The Day of The Lord” – we have entered the End Times – called the Time of Jacob’s trouble, between the 5th and 6th seal.

4. I stated while the Enemy would try to defile the date (as in 9-11 – The 1st Day)…  Father would NOT allow this date to be defiled and NOTHING OBSERVABLE would happen.

5. I stated in the unseen realms – The Final Conflict has begun.  YHVH (Father) told us by THREE Hurricanes:
IrMA (I AM) incarnated through Jose y Maria (Joseph and Mary), and now is Returning.  Earth Quakes in diverse places, wars and rumors of wars…

6. I stated Planet X also is and will be used for God’s Wrath – likely in the next 12 – 36 months.

7. I stated the Dark Side has ONE card to play – revenge against the Seed of Adam…..

For full details purchase Entangled September edition, or wait 4 weeks and I will provide a copy…

The Professor

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