domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017

Ritual Satánico Masivo Contra Trump

Señor y Padre Nuestro que está en los cielos la tierra y todo lugar. Le pedimos por AMI RICA
(Kingdom of my people), le pedimos por las 12 tribus de Abraham que están esparcidas en ese lugar.
Le pedimos que cubra con su sangre preciosa a los descendientes de Abraham, Isaac y Jacob por todas sus generaciones. Le pedimos por el remanente que está en ese país y por el remanente en todos los pueblos de la Tierra.
Cubra con su sangre preciosa y proteja a Donald Trump, el presidente de América, elegido por su gente y por usted. Le pedimos por su esposa, sus hijos, sus colaboradores más cercanos y elegidos por él, le pedimos por el Vicepresidente Mike Pence, guárdelos de los dardos del enemigo, forme un cerco protector alrededor de ellos, cúbralos y que sus santos ángeles los protejan y los rodeen en todo momento. No permita que nada malo les acontezca. Que las maldiciones y brujerías en contra de ellos se regresen a los que la enviaron, todo ésto se lo pedimos en el poderoso nombre de Nuestro Señor Jesús Cristo,  que a usted sea la honra y la gloria por lo siglos de los siglos, 
Jesús es Dios! Amen!

Robotoids, Clones, Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton Artificial Life Forms

…and knowledge shall be increased”.
Daniel 12:4

Recall my 2011 “vision” – Father showed me He was authorizing the adversary to initiate the “Replacement” program.  In my Spirit I was told, “I know who has chosen me, I know who will choose me, the line will be drawn.  I am authorizing the adversary to proceed with the Replacement program”.  That was July 7th, 2011…  I believe the line was the Rev 12 alignment 2 months later on Sept 28th2011…. Likely the same line the “2012” Mayan prophecies were pointing to….since our calendars are purposefully maligned.

Professor Truth

Some similarity with Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton on 9/11?

THEY LIVE….   Key you will NEVER hear them say Jesus Christ – possibly Jesus…but never Jesus Christ….  They will be without true joy….The professor

Ephesians 6:
Eph. 6:10   Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 

And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.” 

viernes, 24 de febrero de 2017

Silence | official trailer

Official trailer for Silence. Starring Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver and Liam Neeson.
Martin Scorsese’s SILENCE tells the story of two Christian missionaries (Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver) who face the ultimate test of faith when they travel to Japan in search of their missing mentor (Liam Neeson) – at a time when Christianity was outlawed and their presence forbidden. The celebrated director's 28-year journey to bring Shusaku Endo’s 1966 acclaimed novel to life.
Director: Martin Scorsese
Screenplay by Jay Cocks & Martin Scorsese
Starring: Andrew Garfield, Adam Driver, Tadanobu Asano, Ciarán Hinds, and Liam Neeson

I get it people don't want to watch preachy movies. But the book this movie is based on is an award winning classical work of universal literature. Reading comments here that are extremely negative about this movie simply because it's a story about Christian history, but if movies have secular liberal, atheistic, transgender, feminazi, gay or lesbian messages or anything else besides Christianity that's ok right? Millions upon millions have been persecuted and martyred for their faith including the founder himself- Jesus. The fact that there are over 250,000,000 Christians in the U.S alone should be a good enough reason to make movies based on Christian history no? Truth is the real terrifying thing is people who are so bigoted and resentful towards Christianity have been running government, Hollywood, education, and mainstream media for far too long. It is people like you who have been silencing the majority and celebrating the minority with a cultural colonisation of anti Christian ethos.

Gospel of John ch9, w Professor Truth & brother John

 John was sent for a very high calling to be my co-host on the ONLY show teaching the true Bible ON THE PLANET! –that is not Darby Scofield Dispensationalsim (DSP) in some way...
Professor Truth

2 Timothy 4:2
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

El Nacimiento Illuminati de Nefilims Reales

Dios da a los solitarios un hogar donde vivir, libera a los prisioneros y les da prosperidad; pero los rebeldes vivirán en tierra estéril.
Salmo 68:6
43 Cuando el espíritu inmundo ha salido del hombre, anda por lugares secos, buscando reposo, y no lo halla. 
44 Entonces dice: Me volvere á mi casa de donde salí: y cuando viene, la halla desocupada, barrida y adornada. 
45 Entonces va, y toma consigo otros siete espíritus peores que él, y entrados, moran allí; y son peores las cosas; últimas del tal hombre que las primeras: así también acontecerá á esta generación mala.
Mateo 12

martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

La Agenda Feminista

1 Corintios 7:10-11 

A los casados, en cambio, les ordeno -y esto no es mandamiento mío, sino del Señor- que la esposa no se separe de su marido. 11 Si se separa, que no vuelva a casarse, o que se reconcilie con su esposo. Y que tampoco el marido abandone a su mujer.

Efesios 5:21-33 

Sean dóciles los unos a los otros por consideración a Cristo: 22 las mujeres a su marido, como si fuera el Señor, 23 porque el varón es la cabeza de la mujer, como Cristo es la Cabeza y el Salvador de la Iglesia, que es su Cuerpo. 24 Así como la Iglesia es dócil a Cristo, así también las mujeres deben ser dóciles en todo a su marido. 25 Maridos, amen a su esposa, como Cristo amó a la Iglesia y se entregó por ella, 26 para santificarla. Él la purificó con el bautismo del agua y la palabra, 27 porque quiso para sí una Iglesia resplandeciente, sin mancha ni arruga y sin ningún defecto, sino santa e inmaculada. 28 Del mismo modo, los maridos deben amar a su mujer como a su propio cuerpo. El que ama a su esposa se ama a sí mismo. 29 Nadie menosprecia a su propio cuerpo, sino que lo alimenta y lo cuida. Así hace Cristo por la Iglesia, 30 por nosotros, que somos los miembros de su Cuerpo. 31 Por eso, el hombre dejará a su padre y a su madre para unirse a su mujer, y los dos serán una sola carne. 32 Este es un gran misterio: y yo digo que se refiere a Cristo y a la Iglesia. 33 En cuanto a ustedes, cada uno debe amar a su mujer como a sí mismo, y la esposa debe respetar a su marido.

Donald Trump, "El Presidente por Accidente"

Isaías 54:17
17 Ninguna arma forjada contra ti prosperará, y condenarás toda lengua que se levante contra ti en juicio. Esta es la herencia de los siervos de Jehová, y su salvación de mí vendrá, dijo Jehová.

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

El Filme de Odd Thomas Ilustra Como Opera la Granja Humana

Los arcontes son los ángeles caídos buscando por cuerpos a quien poseer o influenciar, en las muertes masivas  se abren grandes portales interdimensionales. Los arcontes se alimentan del sufrimiento, dolor, muerte. Parasitan e invaden cuerpos, son los remplazos. hay mucha gente que camina entre nosotros que ya no son ellos, han sido remplazados por ellos, por los ángeles caídos...

Meditación vs Oración

La meditación, no mediten, meditar pone tu mente en blanco, es como levantar una barrera espiritual para que pase cualquier demonio. fuimos creados para estar despiertos, no para escapar, noten que cuando dormimos es donde tenemos la mayor cantidad de ataques espirituales, porque estamos inconscientes. yo creo en Jesús, solo El Puede librarnos de los demonios (el del vídeo lo llama fuerzas negativas). La oración a Jesucristo es la protección contra inmundos.

1 Tesalonicenses 5:16-18
16 Estad siempre gozosos.
17 Orad sin cesar.

Qué relación tiene ésta película con el asesinato de los niños en el colegio de Moneterrey, México.
Un ejemplo de control mental  MK ultra en México:

Fuerte escena, precaución!

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2017

Former CIA Spy Has A Surprising Message For Trump

“Dear Mr. Trump,

Dec. 23, 2016

I am among the tens of millions who voted for you, and also among the twenty thousand or so that spent fifteen months obsessively devoted to getting you elected. I went to bed in tears on election night, only to be woken at midnight by my wife to watch the miracle unfold. I have never had an answer to over twenty-five attempts – including three personal visits to Paul Manafort’s office in Alexandria – to tell you what I am going to post below. Perhaps someone will read this and in a second miracle, you will hear my voice. I am going to make seven points with seven paragraphs and seven graphics.

#1 You are not only an accidental president, you are a fringe president. 27% of the eligible voters elected you (1% more than elected Barack Obama). 26% of the eligible voters hate you with the passion common to the brain-washed or brain-dead, and 47% did not vote at all. My best-selling Kindle Short, Donald Trump, the Accidental President – Under Siege! (also available free online here) documents how you won against all odds (20-1 at best, 200-1 at worst) because Hillary Clinton was not able to use the same electronic voting fraud against you that she used to steal thirteen primaries from Bernie Sanders. That was the big one; in combination with her calling us all “deplorables,” her spaz attack in NYC, her doctor and nurse in constant attendance, and of course the emails leaked by insiders – not the Russians, John Brennan is a liar plain and simple – she lost more than you won. A miracle. Get a grip. You do not represent all of us, you represent 27% of us, and fixing that should be your first priority. Here is the political landscape – note that the Establishment – the two-party tyranny that opposed you to the bitter end – controls 30% of the vote. Your mission is to mobilize the 47% who did not vote in 2016, toward joining the Movement you lead in time to impact on 2018, while embracing the Sandernistas and the Libertarians and Tea Party Conservatives to the fullest extent.
#2 You cannot govern responsibly as long as our electoral system is corrupt. The electoral system is rigged twelve different ways not counting George Soros’ funding of protestors and the occasional false flag shooting of cops to be blamed on blacks. Although you spoke to a rigged system, and your allies blocked Hillary Clinton from leveraging the electronic voting fraud option she used so successfully against Bernie Sanders, there are at least two sucking chest wounds in our political process that you need to address, ideally before you submit a single nomination to the Senate. First, you must free the Members from their dependence on campaign finance controlled by the extreme wealthy, the banks, and the various industrial complexes, from the agricultural to the educational to the military to the pharmaceutical to the prison complexes. Second, you must break the back of the two-party tyranny and open the halls of Congress to a swing vote – Independents and members of small parties. I had to run for president in 2012 to learn that there are six accredited small parties (eligible for matching federal funds) that are blocked from ballot access by the two-party tyranny. The Republican Party is delusional in thinking that it can avoid the same implosion that befell the Democratic Party. Now is the time for you to go direct to the public, mobilize the 47%, and demand an Electoral Reform Act of 2017 – a Unity Act. The system is rigged twelve different ways. Challenge Senator Chuck Schumer on this, and if he fights you, bury him.

#3 The media purveys fake news. Between now and Inauguration Day you should ask Mike Flynn, your National Security Advisor, to sit down with Kellyanne Conway, Brad Parscale (Giles-Parscale), Andrew Garfield (Glevum Associates), and me, to discuss the repurposing of the White House floor space and resources now wasted on the fake news press. In my view, this space could house the National Security Advisor and a Grand Strategy Cell that is directly supportive of your thinking about Whole of Government strategy and policy; a Trump Studio that broadcasts a mix of Trump appointees, subject matter experts, and regular Public Briefings that cannot be filtered or manipulated by the corrupt media and are vastly superior to the crap you are getting in the President’s Daily Brief; a presidential polling unit under Kellyanne’s direct control but leveraging the extraordinary methodologies of Andrew Garfield and Glevum Associates as well as others far superior to the mediocrities used by the media during the campaign; and an Open Source element that can give you 90% of what you need in the way of decision-support at very low cost – with the added advantage that being unclassified, this intelligence can be shared widely.

#4 Ike Eisenhower was the last president to have a grand strategy – you need one. The US Government (USG) has not had a Grand Strategy since Project Solarium was commissioned by President Ike Eisenhower in 1953. As you strive to overcome decades of irresponsible spending and bad management across all the government stovepipes, the single fastest way to get both your Cabinet nominees and the Senate leaders of the oversight committees on the same page is to have a one-week retreat in which a Grand Strategy is devised for Whole of Government – not only for national security, but for domestic security and prosperity as well. Such a retreat would begin with a proper briefing on the ten high-level threats to humanity (eight of which the secret intelligence community ignores); it would have a broad range of subject matter experts present to brief on the documented 50% waste across each government domain and the true cost of proposed alternative courses of action; and it would illuminate how you can end borrowing, achieve a balanced budget, and still finance your ambitious objectives with tax reform far beyond what you are contemplating now (see #5). Below is half of a Grand Strategy for your consideration – the National Security half. A similar approach can be taken to address each of the major domestic domains, especially Agriculture, Energy, Health, Infrastructure, and Water.
#5 Eliminate All Taxes Less the Fractional Tax on All Transactions. The tax code is a how Congress extorts money from banks and corporations seeking exemptions and special treatment. Simplifying it is not going to increase your revenue and is not going to change the fact that we are not taxing 80% of the transactions including stock and currency transactions. Kill the entire tax code and eliminate the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You can double government revenue by imposing a tiny fractional transaction tax on all transactions. Edgar Feige, the University of Wisconsin professor who has documented the simplicity and the utility of this approach, is available to brief you personally. Note: this is probably the one thing that your Goldman Sachs nominees have been ordered to sabotage – this is their loyalty test.
#6 You are surrounded by traitors – financial, ideological, and religious. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a theatrical agency. It has not been allowed to go after traitors within the USG (I estimate 500 not now being investigated) or across our nation-wide commercial, industrial, and our scientific & technical networks (I estimate 5,000 not now being investigated). It is not possible for you to be effective in devising strategy, making policy, and managing the budget if you are undermined from within. Within the FBI itself there are secret societies including the original pedophile protective association started by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, himself a rampant pedophile and cross-dresser – each generation hand-picks and promotes the next generation of “protectors.” Other secret societies within the FBI respond to the Vatican, to Israel, and to Wall Street. Within NSA and CIA there are numerous traitors who consider it their primary duty to spy on US politicians including the President, and who use blackmail to protect their budgets and their ability to run drugs, guns, money, and children, often leveraging military assets conscripted for “sensitive” programs. Sensitive, indeed. Separately I have published a concise vision on Fixing Intelligence II (Mike Flynn wrote Fixing Intelligence I). The FBI needs to be scrubbed, and then unleashed, with its budget tripled, toward the below priorities.
#7 You are being set up by Wall Street – a financial melt-down looms. More than one observer including David Stockman and Richard Fisher (former Dallas Federal Reserve President) and Brandon Smith of, has documented the massive bubble that will pop – deliberately – during your first four years. You appear to be aware of the threat but may not have considered at least one radical idea that could “checkmate” your financial opponents: a call from you to all US citizen debtors, particularly the young with student debt and the elderly with medical debt but also including those with credit debt and small business debt, to sign the Debt Renunciation Pledge shown below. This pledge to be located on a website to be created by Brad Parscale and funded privately, would strive to register $2 trillion in debt across 100 million debtors, each of whom would be explicitly authorizing you as a President to re-negotiate that debt. Michael Hudson, the most honest visionary economist we have in America, suggests that you need to orchestrate a debt jubilee anyway, but I see this as a superb check on the financial community and its plans to crash the system on their terms. You can organize a soft landing on your terms.
And now, a word for the 73% of eligible voters who did not vote for Donald Trump.
First, please join me in praising the Lord for our accidental president. Accidental and fringe he may be, but he was elected legitimately within a severely flawed system and his greatest attribute – one we should treasure – is that he is “unshackled.” He was elected against the opposition of the two-party tyranny that fronts for Wall Street and the various complexes; he was elected without taking substantial funds from any major donors including Sheldon Adelson and the Koch Brothers; and he was elected without the aid of the wide variety of lobbying firms that spent over a billion dollars for what they thought was a “sure thing” – the election of the most flawed candidate ever to be put before the American public.
Second, please acknowledge that Bernie Sanders, not Hillary Clinton, is the rightful nominee and the spiritual leader of the Democratic Party. We now know – as incontrovertible fact – that Hillary Clinton stole thirteen primaries from Bernie Sanders (Stanford University has documented this) and that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was a criminal conspiracy against Bernie Sanders throughout the primary campaign. We must, however, also acknowledge that Bernie Sanders was complicit – he knew he was being cheated and he ultimately went along, just as Al Gore rolled over and played dead when Warren Christopher delivered the bribe offer from Wall Street — $100 million to accept Jeb Bush’s “reasonable dishonesty” in rigging the Florida general election.
Third, and this is really important, please consider the very real prospect of the Republican Party imploding between now and 2018 just as the Democratic Party has imploded. The next batch of leaked emails could be focused on Scott Walker, Reince Priebus, and the Republican National Committee (RNC). There are six accredited national political parties that have been blocked from ballot access, with the Libertarian being the largest followed by the Greens. Emerging parties such as Working Families are easily kept from growing, and Independents – solitary individuals by nature, have virtually no prospect of electoral relevance as the system is now structured – rigged twelve different ways. What this means is that the 47% who chose not to vote – and the 13% that wanted Bernie Sanders – as well as the roughly 13% like myself who are totally disgusted with the Republican Party and its lack of intelligence with integrity – could form a critical mass of 73%.

Fourth, we all now realize that Donald Trump is tone deaf. He simply does not hear all of us that are trying to help him. One story was headlined, “what to do when Donald does not love you back.” Now, between today and Inauguration Day, is when we can all deluge @realDonaldTrump with a link to this post in The Mind Unleashed, urging Donald Trump to pay attention. Whatever flaws he may have, he is not Hillary Clinton, he is not substantially obligated to anyone (I am sure he has side deals with Goldman Sachs and Israel and a few others), and he has the power – he has the absolute power – to channel our energy into an Electoral Reform Act of 2017 – a Unity Act – that puts a swing vote in Congress, liberates all Members from corporate money, and makes possible evidence-based governance in the public interest.
I’ve done all one man can do. Now it is up to you, the 73%, to decide if you want your country back. The only thing standing in your way is your apathy.
Merry Christmas – and God Bless America.
Robert David STEELE Vivas
Note to the Trump Team: Stop sending me mail addressed to Robert Vivas. Vivas is a Latino matronymic, if you had any Latinos on staff you would know that. In fact, if you had any blacks on staff you would know that, they are more culturally clued in than all the pasty faced old white guys (and one gal) you have now. My legal name is Robert David Steele. I am a son of New York, born in Oceanside, Long Island on 16 July 1952, to a naturalized Colombian mother and a father who went from Brooklyn Polytechnic to a career with Esso (Exxon).”
Robert Steele is a former spy, co-creator of the Marine Corps Intelligence Center, and the most published intelligence reformer in the English language. In 2011, inspired by Occupy, he focused on electoral reform, briefing Occupy (the video went viral after it made the front page of Reddit), and running for president under the Reform Party banner – his web site, We the People Reform Coalition, is still online. He has published eight books and many articles and chapters on intelligence reform and two books and many Kindle Shorts on electoral reform. He is the top Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, reading in 98 categories, with over 2,000 published reviews. He curates over 80 contributing editors at Phi Beta Iota Public Intelligence Blog; learn more about him at
Featured image: Veterans Today Other images: Robert Steele

Former CIA Case Officer Robert David Steele A Message to Donald Trump

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2017

Rueda de prensa sorpresa de Donald Trump

Tómense el tiempo para escuchar estas declaraciones, para que no sean manipulados por la prensa y los medios. Sabemos que los medios pertenecen a la Simiente de la Serpiente, los que se dicen ser Judíos y no los son (Apoc. 2:9, Apoc. 3:9)

Fritz Springmeier dijo en una conferencia que la carta fuerte del illuminati era Hillary Clinton, nunca esperaron que ganara Mr. Trump, pero cuando Dios dice si, quien puede decir no?

Former CIA officer: Flynn fired over high-level DC pedophile list

Publicado el 17 feb. 2017
Former CIA officer Robert David Steele explains how Flynn was really fired because he was in possession of a high-level Washington DC pedophile list with many names. One of those names was Vice President Mike Pence's "best friend".

Steele also says that there are restaurants in Washington DC and Saudi Arabia where you can literally order children off of the menu.

Here's the cliff notes for the first 5 minutes or so of the video:

* Donald Trump is our chance to take down the deep state

* “White hat” intelligence community was able to stop Hillary from rigging the vote electronically like she did to Bernie

* Former CIA head John Brennan committed treason by telling lies intended to overturn the Electoral College

* John Brennan highest paid agent of Saudi Arabia, should be under FBI investigation

* Reince Priebus is an enabler and cover-upper of pedophilia — Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert is the tip of the iceberg

* Wikileaks is going to take down Priebus?

* Pedophilia is an “elite privilege” — For the Democrats it’s an “acquired taste” — Podesta is a “pedo-light”

* The Republicans and the elite in banking are the ones who have made pedophilia a “big league thing”

* There are Saudi Arabian and Washington DC restaurants with basements where you can order children off of the menu

* DC pedophilia is the Achilles heel, and Trump has figured that out

* Flynn didn’t get fired because he called the Russians

* Flynn got fired because he “had the arrogance to think” (sarcasm) that he could tell Mattis and Tillerson what to do

* Flynn pissed off VP Pence

* Flynn’s call that got him in trouble included a conversation about a list of high-level pedophiles inside the US, one of whom happens to be VP Mike Pence's best friend

* Flynn did not tell Pence about the list, or that his “best friend” was on it. Pence found out about this from the deep state (probably NSA taps)

* The NSA has been spying on all of our politicians with impunity!

* The CIA is leaking HIGHLY classified information as part of a political coup against Trump

Father in Heaven, the world is watching the way President Trump presides over how Obama conducts his cunning acts and evil schemes intended to outwit and bring down the President. Father, You will not allow any of this to happen. Obama's a double-dealer capable of any mean trick. President Trump's enemies have committed the ultimate treason against the President, America and the Americans because they owe their allegiance to the devil. They have engaged themselves with corrupt practices, high treason, and unscrupulously confining themselves to treacherous tasks to derail President Trump from the driving seat. They even have wicked desires that Trump will die in jail. In Jesus' name, that will never happen. Father, I return all their wicked intentions and threats back to them to be done in their lives that they will be the ones who will die in jail. Father, frustrate and confuse all their wicked plans to fail miserably and expose all their rotten corruption and high treason to the world soon. Father, guide and give wisdom to Your servant, President Donald Trump, to strategically unite America and to hold these wicked men and women that come against him accountable for all their evil deeds and words. Father, surround Donald Trump, his family and his team with your angels and the Blood of Jesus to protect and preserve their going out and coming in today and everyday. Father, grant to President Donald Trump a healthy and successful 8 years in the White House. No weapon that is formed against him shall prosper and lying tongues against him he will condemn. Father, we know that You will judge these wicked leaders and Trump's enemies severely (1 Timothy 6:9-10) but I pray You will give us the opportunity to see with our very eyes Your judgment on these wicked leaders and Trump's enemies today. Thank You Jesus. I pray all this in Jesus' name. Amen.

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